"There She Goes" Talking in Song Lyrics!
"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need." -Rolling Stones. Probably one of those lines that most everybody knows and for me that what one of my many song Mantras of the past two years. I tend to think a lot in song lyrics, if life was a movie best to have an awesome soundtrack that goes with it. My other song mantra that has helped me through these past two years and for a good part of my life is "I get knocked down, but I get up again you're never gonna keep me down." -Chumbawamba (for all those 90ies kids out there!) After going through probably one of my darkest times and being alone in a town with no one you need a pretty cool soundtrack to get you up and going. But back to the first song lyrics I had mentioned. What I wanted was not what I was give to work with and I somehow had to make lemonade as my dad would tell me more than once. So since I had my very tart lemons I needed a lot...